How to Auger Your Piers

With the Concrete Pier System, you’ll benefit from being able to dig all your piers quickly and bell them perfectly for 4X the downforce resistance. You’ll also benefit from extreme frost heave resistance. And best of all, you can easily dig them in a day with two people a skid steer, an auger, and our Jess Tools Belling Auger (for rent with our building kits).

The CPS Belled Pier Advantage

You can dig all your piers quickly with two people and a skid steer with an auger. Our bracket system saves you from having to:

  • Grade the lot – no grading needed because our brackets level your structure.
  • Measure to the inch when digging – our brackets align to 1/16″ or better when you are building.
  • Worry about settling or frost heave when you use our belling augers to create industry-recommended belled piers. We’re talking 4X THE of regular piers.